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ChatGPT가 알려주는 영어 일기 쓰기 문장

일기 쓰기에 적합한 간단한 영어 문장


날짜와 날씨

  1. Today is a beautiful day.
  2. It's raining outside.
  3. The sun is shining brightly.
  4. It's a cloudy day.


  1. I feel happy today.
  2. I am a bit tired.
  3. Today was a stressful day.
  4. I feel very excited.

하루의 주요 사건

  1. I went to the park with my friends.
  2. I had a great time at school.
  3. I watched a new movie today.
  4. I read an interesting book.

생각과 느낌

  1. I am grateful for my family.
  2. I am looking forward to the weekend.
  3. I hope tomorrow will be better.
  4. I learned something new today.


  1. I am ready to go to bed now.
  2. Good night, diary.
  3. I will write more tomorrow.
  4. That's all for today.


하루 시작

  • I woke up at 7 AM today.
  • This morning, I had a delicious breakfast.
  • I started my day with a cup of coffee.

학교 생활

  • I went to school and had a math test.
  • During lunch break, I played soccer with my friends.
  • In science class, we did an interesting experiment.

일상 활동

  • After school, I finished my homework.
  • I went for a walk in the park and enjoyed the fresh air.
  • I read a book for a few hours in the afternoon.

친구와의 시간

  • I met my friends at the park.
  • We went to a café and had some ice cream.
  • We talked about many things and laughed a lot.

가족과의 시간

  • We had a special family dinner tonight.
  • My mom cooked a delicious meal.
  • We watched a movie together after dinner.

감정 표현

  • I felt very happy today.
  • It was a relaxing and peaceful day.
  • I was a bit tired but satisfied with my work.


  • The weather was sunny and warm.
  • It rained all day, so I stayed inside.
  • The sky was clear, and it was a beautiful day.


  • I hope tomorrow will be as great as today.
  • I am looking forward to another wonderful day.
  • I went to bed feeling grateful for a good day.

