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이것저것 공부하기/영어

영어 부정문(not) 만들기 예제


1. 일반 동사의 부정문 (Present Simple / 과거 시제)

현재 시제

  • She eats lunch at 12 p.m. → She does not eat lunch at 12 p.m.
    (그녀는 오후 12시에 점심을 먹지 않는다.)
  • We play soccer on weekends. → We do not play soccer on weekends.
    (우리는 주말에 축구를 하지 않는다.)
  • They want to travel next month. → They do not want to travel next month.
    (그들은 다음 달에 여행하고 싶지 않다.)

과거 시제

  • I saw a movie yesterday. → I did not see a movie yesterday.
    (나는 어제 영화를 보지 않았다.)
  • She went to the party. → She did not go to the party.
    (그녀는 파티에 가지 않았다.)
  • We finished the project on time. → We did not finish the project on time.
    (우리는 프로젝트를 제시간에 끝내지 않았다.)

2. Be 동사의 부정문 (현재 시제 / 과거 시제)

현재 시제

  • I am happy. → I am not happy.
    (나는 행복하지 않다.)
  • He is a doctor. → He is not a doctor.
    (그는 의사가 아니다.)
  • They are at home. → They are not at home.
    (그들은 집에 있지 않다.)

과거 시제

  • She was busy yesterday. → She was not busy yesterday.
    (그녀는 어제 바쁘지 않았다.)
  • We were in the library. → We were not in the library.
    (우리는 도서관에 있지 않았다.)
  • It was cold last night. → It was not cold last night.
    (어젯밤은 춥지 않았다.)

3. 조동사와의 부정문 (can, will, must 등)

  • I can swim. → I cannot (can't) swim.
    (나는 수영할 수 없다.)
  • She will come to the party. → She will not (won't) come to the party.
    (그녀는 파티에 오지 않을 것이다.)
  • They must finish the homework. → They must not finish the homework.
    (그들은 숙제를 끝내면 안 된다.)
  • You should talk to him. → You should not talk to him.
    (너는 그와 이야기하지 말아야 한다.)

4. 현재진행형 부정문 (Present Continuous)

  • He is working now. → He is not working now.
    (그는 지금 일하고 있지 않다.)
  • We are studying for the test. → We are not studying for the test.
    (우리는 시험 공부를 하고 있지 않다.)
  • I am eating lunch. → I am not eating lunch.
    (나는 점심을 먹고 있지 않다.)

5. 과거진행형 부정문 (Past Continuous)

  • They were watching TV. → They were not watching TV.
    (그들은 TV를 보고 있지 않았다.)
  • She was talking to her friend. → She was not talking to her friend.
    (그녀는 친구와 이야기하고 있지 않았다.)
  • We were playing basketball. → We were not playing basketball.
    (우리는 농구를 하고 있지 않았다.)

6. 현재완료형 부정문 (Present Perfect)

  • I have been to Paris. → I have not been to Paris.
    (나는 파리에 가본 적이 없다.)
  • He has eaten dinner. → He has not eaten dinner.
    (그는 저녁을 먹지 않았다.)
  • They have finished the report. → They have not finished the report.
    (그들은 보고서를 끝내지 않았다.)

7. 명령문 부정문 (Imperative)

  • Close the door. → Do not close the door.
    (문을 닫지 마라.)
  • Let’s go to the park. → Let’s not go to the park.
    (공원에 가지 말자.)
  • Turn off the lights. → Do not turn off the lights.
    (불을 끄지 마라.)

8. 부정어 활용 예시

Never (결코 ~하지 않다)

  • I always wake up early. → I never wake up early.
    (나는 결코 일찍 일어나지 않는다.)

Nothing (아무것도 ~하지 않다)

  • There is something on the table. → There is nothing on the table.
    (탁자 위에 아무것도 없다.)

Nobody (아무도 ~하지 않다)

  • Someone called me. → Nobody called me.
    (아무도 나에게 전화하지 않았다.)

Nowhere (아무데도 ~하지 않다)

  • He went somewhere. → He went nowhere.
    (그는 아무데도 가지 않았다.)

9. 추가 예시 (다양한 시제와 패턴을 활용한 부정문)

  • She was cooking dinner when I arrived. → She was not cooking dinner when I arrived.
    (내가 도착했을 때 그녀는 저녁을 준비하고 있지 않았다.)
  • I will be studying at 8 p.m. → I will not be studying at 8 p.m.
    (나는 오후 8시에 공부하고 있지 않을 것이다.)
  • They have been living here for two years. → They have not been living here for two years.
    (그들은 여기서 2년 동안 살지 않았다.)