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이것저것 공부하기/영어

영어 일반 동사를 사용하여 부정문 만들기 예제


1. 현재 시제의 일반 동사 부정문 (Present Simple Negative)

  • He reads books every day. → He does not (doesn’t) read books every day.
    (그는 매일 책을 읽지 않는다.)
  • They work late on Fridays. → They do not (don’t) work late on Fridays.
    (그들은 금요일에 늦게 일하지 않는다.)
  • We visit our grandparents often. → We do not (don’t) visit our grandparents often.
    (우리는 할아버지, 할머니를 자주 방문하지 않는다.)
  • She studies English in the morning. → She does not (doesn’t) study English in the morning.
    (그녀는 아침에 영어를 공부하지 않는다.)
  • I like spicy food. → I do not (don’t) like spicy food.
    (나는 매운 음식을 좋아하지 않는다.)
  • You know the answer. → You do not (don’t) know the answer.
    (너는 그 답을 모른다.)

2. 과거 시제의 일반 동사 부정문 (Past Simple Negative)

  • He called me yesterday. → He did not (didn’t) call me yesterday.
    (그는 어제 나에게 전화하지 않았다.)
  • We visited the museum last weekend. → We did not (didn’t) visit the museum last weekend.
    (우리는 지난 주말에 박물관을 방문하지 않았다.)
  • She watched the movie last night. → She did not (didn’t) watch the movie last night.
    (그녀는 어젯밤 영화를 보지 않았다.)
  • They worked on the project last week. → They did not (didn’t) work on the project last week.
    (그들은 지난주에 프로젝트를 하지 않았다.)
  • I ate pizza for dinner. → I did not (didn’t) eat pizza for dinner.
    (나는 저녁으로 피자를 먹지 않았다.)
  • You finished your homework. → You did not (didn’t) finish your homework.
    (너는 숙제를 끝내지 않았다.)

3. 현재 시제 일반 동사 부정문 (추가 예시)

  • She plays the piano well. → She does not (doesn’t) play the piano well.
    (그녀는 피아노를 잘 치지 않는다.)
  • They run every morning. → They do not (don’t) run every morning.
    (그들은 매일 아침 달리지 않는다.)
  • We go to the gym after work. → We do not (don’t) go to the gym after work.
    (우리는 퇴근 후에 헬스장에 가지 않는다.)
  • He drives to work. → He does not (doesn’t) drive to work.
    (그는 차로 출근하지 않는다.)
  • I speak Spanish fluently. → I do not (don’t) speak Spanish fluently.
    (나는 스페인어를 유창하게 말하지 않는다.)
  • You cook dinner every night. → You do not (don’t) cook dinner every night.
    (너는 매일 저녁을 요리하지 않는다.)

4. 과거 시제 일반 동사 부정문 (추가 예시)

  • He danced at the party. → He did not (didn’t) dance at the party.
    (그는 파티에서 춤추지 않았다.)
  • They traveled to Paris last summer. → They did not (didn’t) travel to Paris last summer.
    (그들은 지난 여름에 파리에 가지 않았다.)
  • We bought new shoes yesterday. → We did not (didn’t) buy new shoes yesterday.
    (우리는 어제 새 신발을 사지 않았다.)
  • She read a book last weekend. → She did not (didn’t) read a book last weekend.
    (그녀는 지난 주말에 책을 읽지 않았다.)
  • I met him at the coffee shop. → I did not (didn’t) meet him at the coffee shop.
    (나는 그를 커피숍에서 만나지 않았다.)
  • You wrote a letter to your friend. → You did not (didn’t) write a letter to your friend.
    (너는 친구에게 편지를 쓰지 않았다.)

5. 혼합 예시 (현재 시제와 과거 시제)

  • She wakes up early every day. → She does not (doesn’t) wake up early every day.
    (그녀는 매일 일찍 일어나지 않는다.)
  • He slept well last night. → He did not (didn’t) sleep well last night.
    (그는 어젯밤 잠을 잘 자지 않았다.)
  • They play basketball after school. → They do not (don’t) play basketball after school.
    (그들은 방과 후에 농구를 하지 않는다.)
  • We ate lunch together. → We did not (didn’t) eat lunch together.
    (우리는 함께 점심을 먹지 않았다.)
  • I work late on Mondays. → I do not (don’t) work late on Mondays.
    (나는 월요일에 늦게 일하지 않는다.)
  • You studied hard for the exam. → You did not (didn’t) study hard for the exam.
    (너는 시험을 위해 열심히 공부하지 않았다.)